Ref no: 0153#
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2011 |
I would like to know full details for sajda sahw
I would like to know full details for sajda sahw according to the Hanafi madhhab I mean when it should be done (before or after salam), in fardh or sunnah prayer, in which conditions and when we are praying alone.
Muhtaram / Muhtaramah
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.
Sajda Sahw
Sahw means forgetting. Sometimes due to forgetfulness there is some addition or deletion which causes a deficiency in the prayer and to make up for the deficiency two sajdahs are done in the last qa’dah. This is called sajdah sahw.
If any waajib of the prayer is delayed or missed, or there is delay in a fard, or wrong priority was given to any fard or a fard was repeated (like doing rukuu’ twice), or by changing the manner of any waajib, sajdah sahw becomes waajib (necessary).
Sajdah sahw is also waajib
(1) if Surah Faatihah is left out in the first or second, or both the rak’aat of a fard prayer, or in one or more rak’aat of waajib, sunnah or nafl prayer.
(2) By reciting all over again the Surah Faatihah or a large part of it in these rak’aat.
(3) To read a surah before Surah Faatihah.
(4) By not reciting a surah with Surah Faatihah in all the rak’aat of every fard, waajib, sunnah, or nafl, except the third and fourth rak’aat of fard prayer, on the condition that all these things mentioned have been done unintentionally.
A few other things that would make Sajda Sahw Wajib are:
(1) Doing rukuu’ twice in one rak’ah.
(2) Doing three sajdahs.
(3) Leaving out tashahhud in the first or the last qa’dah.
(4) To recite darood shareef after tashahhud in the first qa’dah up to or beyond “Allaahumma salli ‘alaa muhammadin,” or by sitting silent up to this point.
(5) If the imaam says the prayers in a low voice when it should be said aloud.
(6) If the imaam says the prayers aloud when it should be in a low voice. Sajdah sahw becomes waajib on the condition that any of these have happened unintentionally.
In the last qa’dah after tashahhud turn for salaam on the right, then say takbeer and do two sajdahs. Say tasbeeh three times in each sajdah. After the first sajdah raise the head saying takbeer. Sit up straight and then do the second sajdah. After saying takbeer and sitting up straight again, say at-tahiyyaat (tashahhud), darood shareef and du’aa and then turn for both the salaam.
If one does not turn for salaam even to one side before doing the sajdah sahw it will be makrooh tanzeehi.
If Sajdah Sahw is done after turning for both the salaams then, according to one narration it is allowed. But the more certain way is to turn for salaam only to one side. If one has turned to both sides then one should not do sajdah sahw but repeat the prayer.
(Excerpt from Taleemul Islaam – Part IV)
And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa
Madrasah Inaa’miyyah
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