Is it permissible to marry a woman after impregnating her?

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Question: Is it permissible to marry a woman after impregnating her? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh According to Hanafi Madhab, it is permissible to marry a woman after impregnating her, provided she is not already married. Note: This is the ruling which Fuqaha have given for the aftermath of the unforeseen circumstance. Islam strictly … [Read more...]

Online Nikah

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Question: Assalamualaikum mufti saab, is online nikah valid or permissible? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh. In principle, Nikāh conducted over the telephone/internet or Skype is not permissible since it does not fulfil the criteria of enacting the Nikāh, which is that the Ījāb (proposal) and Qabūl (acceptance) must take place in the actual and … [Read more...]

Marrying a woman from the Bohra sect.

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Question: Assalamualaikum Can a muslim man marry a woman related to bohri sect ?  Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh. The Bohras are a subsect of the Isma’ili branch of Shi’ism.[1] They are not part of the Ithnaa Ashariyyah, however they do share many core beliefs with them, such as the belief of infallible Imaams, the distortion of … [Read more...]

I have marriage problems

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  Question i need your help desparately. very desperately. i have marriage problems. basically my daughter goes to islamic school where they held a fayre. i asked my husband if i could put a stall up. he refused. so i said ok. my cousin became interested and so i got her a stall. my husband was in pakistan. when i phoned him to tell him i am going to fayre with mum and children he said is your cousin coming. i said yes. he then said why … [Read more...]

Can a girl’s photo be shown to a non mahram male

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  Question Can a girl's photo be shown to a non mahram male with the idea that if suitable to him details can be worked out re marriage.  This is at the very inception. Answer Muhtaram / Muhtaramah , In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh It is permissible for a boy to see the face of a girl in a case of a prospective marriage. However, due to the deceptive nature of … [Read more...]

What is the punishment for those who hurt others feelings and reject proposals because of physical features?

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Question Aslam-u-Alykum I was in a relationship with a Muslim man a few months ago. We wanted to make our feelings halal for each other so we decided to tell our parents about our intentions to get married. My family is Pakistani and his family is Indian. Alhamdulillah my parents agreed to get us married however his parents rejected me several times. First I was rejected because I am a Pakistani. Then I was rejected due to my physical … [Read more...]