Q: Hadhrath Ayesha was a severe critic of Hadhrath Uthman. How is it that following his murder, she chose to rebel against Imam Ali (as) on the premise that his killers should be apprehended? During her lifetime Hadhrath Ayesha was a severe critic of Hadhrath Uthman, to the point that she advocated his killing. How is it that following his murder, she chose to rebel against Imam Ali (as) on the premise that his killers should be apprehended? Why … [Read more...]
Aaisha [radhiallaahu anha] advocated murder of Uthmaan [radhiallaahu anhu]
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Did Imaam Abu Hanifa (ra) Study from Imaam Ja’far as-Saadiq
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Did Imaam Abu Hanifa (ra) Study from Imaam Ja'far as-Saadiq? Imaam Abu Hanifa (RA) studied under Imaam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (RA). I would like to know if he received Ijaza from them. If you would please state the texts in which this can be found in it would be must appreciated. Salaams Respected Brother-in-Islam Assalaamu Alaykum Regarding Imam Abu Hanifah's allegedly having studied under Imam Ja'far … [Read more...]
The Activities of the Qadiyaanis
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The Activities of the Qadiyaanis WHO ARE QADIANIS OR AHMADIS? The followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian are called Qadianis or Abmadis, whether they may regard him as a real Prophet; or a ‘Zilli or Buroozi’ (through rebirth according to Hindus’ reincarnation) Prophet; as the ‘Masih Mau’ud; a reformer; (Muhaddas) (one who talks with God), Hazrat Ibrahim, Sri Krishna, even God. Whatever may they regard him, they are invariably non-Muslims, … [Read more...]
The Other Villains of Karbala
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Retelling the tragedy of Karbalâ has traditionally been an important feature of Shî‘î spirituality. The passion plays of Iran and the Indian subcontinent, the literature, both prose and poetry, composed upon the subject of the martyrdom of Sayyidunâ Husayn radiyallâhu ‘anhu and the general atmosphere of mourning that reigns amongst the Shî‘ah during the month of Muharram, all bear eloquent testimony to importance of that event in the Shî‘î … [Read more...]
Those Who Slander Ummul Mu’mineen…
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Those Who Slander Ummul Mu'mineen 'A'isha And The Other Pure Wives (RA) Subsequent to the revelation of the Qur'anic verses vindicating Hadrat 'Aa'isha رضي الله عنها, the person who slanders the pure wife of the most noble of all the Prophets, Muhammad Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم, the wife who has been referred to as Mubarraah Minas-Samaa' [1], such a person is unanimously declared a Murtadd (apostate) because he is … [Read more...]
The Twelvers
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The Twelvers The Raafidis, Imamis or Ithna ‘Asharis (“Twelvers”) are one of the branches of Shi’ism. They are called Raafidis because they rejected (rafada) most of the Sahaabah (RAA). They are called Imamis because they are primarily focused on the issue of imamate, and they made it a basic principle of their religion. They are called Ithna ‘Asharis (“Twelvers”) because they believe in the imamate of twelve men from the Prophet’s (saw) family … [Read more...]