Disciplinary Code

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1. Admission to the Madrasah is in the sole and absolute discretion of the Principal. The Principal shall not be obliged to offer any reason for refusal of admission.

2. The moral and practical life of the students being the responsibility of the Principal of the Madrasah, he has the full right to command and instruct them and to otherwise enforce discipline. Disobeying his instructions will be regarded as a serious offence.

3. The allocation of beds and rooms will be the sole prerogative of the Principal or any official appointed by him.

4. Students should not keep any valuable items with them and are themselves responsible for all their possessions.

5. The Principal may in his sole and absolute discretion summarily suspend any student for un-Islâmic behaviour or any other offence. Any student suspended must leave the Madrasah premises immediately. The suspended student may then make written representations to the Principal if he wishes to be reinstated.

6. Any student suspended or expelled will not be entitled to enter the Madrasah.

7. Students must adhere to the beds and rooms allocated to them at all times.

8. Students are not permitted to bring anyone into the boarding without prior permission from the principal or his duly appointed official.

9. Students will not be allowed to live in the boarding during Madrasah holidays without prior permission from the office.

10. Students must be at the Madrasah by no later than Maghrib salaah the night before the Madrasah is scheduled to re-open and will not be allowed to leave the Madrasah premises before the scheduled closure times.

11. Students must strictly adhere to the timetable of the Madrasah in regard to time and place. No student may remain absent from any class without a valid reason.

12. The Principal, Asâtizah (teachers) and officials of the Madrasah have the full right to check on the students, their presence, their activities and go through their personal effects at any time of the day or night for the purposes of discipline or maintaining behavioural standards.

13. Students living in the hostel will not be allowed to leave the Dârul-Iqâmah (boarding) at all (excluding official holidays). In exceptional circumstances permission will be granted, which will have to be obtained in writing from the Principal or any designated Ustâdh (teacher) on official paper.

14. The cleanliness of the rooms and washing of eating utensils will be the responsibility of the students.

15. Students must keep their hair very short. Long hair will not be permitted.

16. Dressing must be strictly according to the Shari`ah. Students must dress in white kurtas (5cm below the knees) and white Izârs (above the ankles). Any garment hanging below the ankles will result in the garment being cut. No claim for such damage will be entertained.

17. Students must safeguard the property (buildings, furniture etc.) of the Madrasah. Students will be liable for any damage caused wilfully or as a result of gross neglect. Such damage to Madrasah property will be deemed as a serious offence and the damaged property will have to be repaired or paid for within seven days or else the matter will be handed over for collection.

18. Students must be thrifty in the use of water and electricity. Deliberate wastage will be viewed seriously.

19. Bad behaviour in any and every form, violating the laws of the Shari`ah and being disrespectful to any Ustâdh or any worker of the Madrasah will result in severe punishment and/or expulsion, especially behaviour of such a nature that brings a bad name to the Madrasah. Speaking rudely or harshly, refusing to obey a legitimate instruction and being obstinate will also be, inter alia, regarded as disrespect. The determination of bad behaviour will be in the sole discretion of the Principal.

20. Students are prohibited from smoking or possessing or using any illegal drugs, intoxicants or anything that is forbidden in Shariah. Such possession or usage will result in instant expulsion.

21. The principal or any official appointed by him, entirely at their discretion, possess the right to conduct a drug test on any student at any time. Refusal to undergo such testing when called upon could result in suspension or expulsion.

22. Students must not quarrel and fight amongst themselves or anyone. All complaints must be lodged with the Principal or any complaints committee established by the Principal. The decision of the complaints committee will be final and binding.

23. Students are prohibited to bring guns, arms, radios, newspapers, magazines, novels and other similar literature to the Madrasah.

24. Students are not allowed to carry cellular phones. Cellular phones found on students will be confiscated and returned only at the end of the academic year. The Madrasah will not be held responsible in the event of theft, loss or damage to the cell phone. Phones may also be destroyed after confiscation.

25. Students are not permitted to engage in any form of business activity.

26. At no time should any student go to any café, shopping centre or go to any public or private swimming pool whatsoever at any time of the day or night. Any student who needs to purchase anything must first contact the Principal. Students found going to any café or shop or any swimming pool will be regarded as committing a serious offence.

27. Students must not instigate or coerce each other on any matter, form any groups or associations or undermine the interests of the Madrasah. They must rather encourage one another in good works and act in the interests of the Madrasah.

28. Any Ustâdh experiencing a problem with any student, whether such problem pertains to behaviour or teaching or otherwise related to the conduct of the student, will refer the matter to the Principal. The decision of the Principal will be final and binding on the students.

29. A student may not miss any examination without a valid reason. Failure to write any examination without a valid reason will be regarded as a serious offence whereupon the student may be suspended or other disciplinary action taken. Students who failed to participate in any examination for whatever reason must write supplementary examinations.

30. The completion of all tests, assignments and other work assigned to students is compulsory. Students who fail to fulfil this requirement to the satisfaction of the principal will not be permitted to sit for the final examination.

31. Any rule contained herein may be changed or varied at any time. Such changes and variations will also be binding upon the students. Likewise, any additional rules, which may be formed, will also be binding upon all the students. A student may obtain a copy of the disciplinary code at any time from the Principal.

32. All students must pay the prescribed tuition and boarding fee. Students who cannot afford such fees may apply to the Principal for exemption or reduction. Such applications will be subject to the approval of the Principal.

33. Any student who is found to be incompatible with the values of the institution or its aims and objectives may be expelled merely on this ground. The principal, whether a student is so compatible, will make the decision.

34. An admission fee of R25 000.00 (apart from the normal boarding and maintenance fees) is applicable to all students. Such fees are due and payable only on demand. This fee may be demanded should any unforeseen costs of any nature be incurred by the institution on behalf of or in relation to any student.

35. The Principal shall have the power in his sole and absolute discretion to expel any student summarily without giving any reason for such expulsion in the following cases:
(a) Where a student commits an act of omission or otherwise displays such behaviour, which, in the opinion of the Principal, is inconsistent with the values and norms of the institution having regard to its distinct and special Islâmic character, or otherwise amounts to a loss of confidence in the student.
(b) Where a student breaches any provision of the disciplinary code.

36. Notwithstanding the provision of clause 28 above, the principal in his sole and absolute discretion hold a disciplinary enquiry for the sole purpose of affording a student an opportunity to state his case or point of view. If the Principal so decides to hold a disciplinary enquiry, he shall fix the procedure for such an enquiry, and he shall appoint the person/s who will so preside over such an enquiry, with terms of reference to be fixed by the Principal, all in his sole and absolute discretion. No student shall be entitled to be legally represented at any such disciplinary enquiry.

37. This institution condemns all forms of terrorism. Any student found to be involved in any form of terrorist activity will be summarily expelled.

38. Students are not permitted to give interviews to any newspaper, radio station, television network or magazine etc.

39. Theft, be it minor or major, will not be tolerated. A student found guilty of this offence will face severe action or expulsion.

40. Students are prohibited to maintain any contact or telephonic conversations with any female except Mahrams (like mothers, sisters etc).

41. Every student must be in the Musjid at least ten minutes before Fardh Salâh adopting total silence. This will facilitate punctuality of Takbeere-Ûlâ.

42. Students who neglect their Salâh even after repeated warnings face suspension or expulsion.

43. A student who has left another Madrasah and seeks admission to this Madrasah will not be admitted without producing his latest progress report and character reference. He should also provide detailed reasons for leaving the previous Madrasah.

44. Where a student has a problem, his parents/guardian should make an appointment with the principal during office hours to discuss the problem.

45. Every student and his parent/guardian must sign the admission consenting to accept and adhere to all the rules of the Madrasah in order to gain admission.

46. The student is advised that corporal punishment in this Madrasah is prohibited. No Ustaad or staff member is permitted to administer corporal punishment. In the unlikely event of this occurring, the student is advised to report the matter to the office.

47. Any student found guilty of attending a venue that would put the Madrasah into disrepute – whether during Madrasah hours or during the holidays – will be expelled.

48. An annual non-returnable maintenance fee will be levied on every student.

49. The Madrasah may carry out drug-testing at random without prior notice and any student testing positive faces immediate expulsion.

50. Any property left behind by the student after he leaves the Madrasah will be deemed as though he cedes ownership to the Madrasah. Consequently, the Madrasah will dispose of such goods at its discretion.