I would like to know if the following investments are shariah compliant or not

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Question Assalaamu Alaikum, Dear Mufti Saheb, I would like to know if the following investments are shariah compliant or not: - Oasis Crescent Equity Fund - Unit Trust - Stanlib Shariah Equity Fund - Unit Trust - Old Mutual Albaraka Equity Fund - Unit Trust - Albaraka Bank - Monthly Investment Plan account(or any other investment account with Albaraka) - Albaraka Bank Shares (buying shares in the bank itself) - ABSA Islamic Banking - All … [Read more...]

they state that the scheme is responsible

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Question I am a medical practitioner and was contracted to a medical scheme for 5 years. Last year, I terminated the contract. Subsequently, the medical scheme became insolvent. Some of my patients who were also contracted to the scheme refuse to pay me for services rendered to them, they state that the scheme is responsible to pay me. Is that correct? Answer Muhtaram / Muhtaramah   In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most … [Read more...]

Credit Insurance

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Question   My Question is as follows: I am working for a muslim owned company. We have debtors that purchase from us on an ongoing basis. Some pay within 30 days some never pay at all. I have identified a company called credit guarantee to provide assurance that credit limits are limited as per their financial statements. The company then evaluates all the debtors an irrespective of payment terms A fixed monthly is paid per debtor for … [Read more...]

about credit cards payment

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Question   I have a question about credit cards payment i would like to know that if i have bought something on credit card and i pay monthly installments on it on which the bank charges interest on it so kindly tell me that since i am paying interest to the bank so is it haram to do that and if it is kindly guide me so i can be on the correct path   Answer   Muhtaram / Muhtaramah   In the Name of Allāh, the Most … [Read more...]

I have invested some money

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Question   I have invested some money in MTN shares. The fund does not allow me to withdraw the money for a period of one year as the share scheme was a BEE initiative. I am at this stage not sure if the total value invested will be approved for share allocation as there is a limited number of allocations. Is Zakaat payable if the money is not currently in my possession? If yes,on what value must Zakaat be paid, the current share value … [Read more...]

for an Amil to take money?

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Question Is it halal for an Amil to take money? Please not an Amil not Alim   Answer In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.   It is permissible for an Amil to charge a fee for his service and time And Allah knows best Darul Iftaa Madrasah Inaa’miyyah The Sharée ruling herein given is specifically based on the question posed and should be read in conjunction … [Read more...]