Anyone intending to forward donations to the Institute, may deposit funds into the following accounts and email confirmation of the deposit to:
For further details kindly phone:
Tel: (+27) 31 785 4737
Fax: (+27) 86 239 6972
Cell: (+27) 84 4786 259
front office: (+27) 87 288 6313
You may enquire about our Sponsor-A-Student project.
Banking details for Madrasah Inaamiyya, Camperdown
Bank: FNB
Zakaat Account:
Email Proof to:
Madrasah Inaamiyyah Banking Details
For EFT Deposits:
HBZ Bank
Name of Account: Madrasah Inaamiyyah
Branch Code: 570226
Branch: Islamic Banking Branch, Westville
Account Numbers:
Lillah: 18901169151
Zakaat: 18901169176
Building: 18901169183
For Cash/Cheque Deposits into ABSA
Name of Account: HBZ Bank Limited
Account Number: 4063446538
Branch Code: 632005
169151 (Lillah/Fees)
169176 (Zakaat)
196183 (Building Fund)
For Deposit into Standard Bank
Name of Account: HBZ Bank Limited
Account Number: 252823419
Branch Code: 045426
169151 (Lillah/fees)
169176 (Zakaat)
169183 (Building Fund)
Important: Fax Confirmation of Deposit to:(+27) 86 239 6972
Section 18A Certificates are issued on request.