Ref no: 0231#
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2011 |
Is it permissible to invoke Allah through
Is it permissible to invoke Allah through the’ mediation (Tawassul) of the prophets (alayhimus salaam) and the great saints and to say: ‘O Allah! For the right of such and such person’! (Ilahi! Bahaqq-i-falan), O Allah! For the honour of such and such person! (Ilahi! Bahurmat-i-falan)?
Many Hanafis say yes it is aloud but i did found out that Imaam Abu Hanifa and his 2 students didnt like it and it was Makruh Tahrimi for them to do so and they hated the person who does so.
Observe the follwing quotes:
It occurs in Durr ul Mukhtar (the famous book on Fatwa in the Hanafi Madhab) (2/630), ‘From Abu Hanifa: “It is not fitting at all that anyone should supplicate to Allah except by Him (Allah), and using such supplications have been permitted and ordered in the like of the
Saying of Allah, the Most High, “ And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call upon Him by them.”
In al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah (5/280), and al-Qudoori said in his large book of Fiqh called Sharh ul Kharkie in the chapter of detested matters: “Bishr Ibn al-Waleed said: ‘Abu Yusuf (the students of Imam Abu Hanifa) narrated to us that Abu Hanifa said: ‘It is not right that anyone should supplicate to Allah except by Him, and I hate that anyone should say: ‘By the right of so and so’ or ‘By the right of your Prophets and Messengers’ or ‘By the right of your sacred house and the sacred area (of Muzdalifah).”
Murtada Az-Zubadi says in Sharh ul Ihya (2/285): “Abu Hanifah and his two companions hated that a person should say, ‘I ask You by
the right of so and so’ or ‘By the right of Your Prophets and Messengers’ or ‘By the right of the sacred house and sacred area
(of Muzdalifah)’ and the like, since no one has any right upon Allah. Likewise, Abu Hanifah and Muhammed Ibn Hasan ash- Shaybani hated that a person who made supplication should say: ‘O Allah I ask you by the glory of Your Throne.”
Al-Qudoori also said: “Asking Him by His creation is not allowed since the creation had no right over the Creator, therefore
it cannot be allowed.”
From these quotes it is clearly seen that Imam Abu Hanifa and his students hated these kinds of Waseelah.
What will your answer be on this?
Muhtaram / Muhtaramah
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.
It is permissible to invoke Allah through the mediation (tawassul) of the Prophets, saints etc. Tawwasul, in itself, is widely accepted by the various Madhhabs with the exception of a few individuals, such as Ibn Taymiyah (RA) who left the majority view of the fraternity of Fuqaha (jurists). (Fatawa Mahmoodiya, vol. 1 pg. 583, Jamiya Farooqiya)
The texts quoted refer to two specific cases of Tawassul. The first case refers to asking Allah through the mediation of the honor of His sitting place upon the Arsh (throne). The underlying reason of the detestability of this type of mediation is not due to the impermissibility of Tawassul. Rather, it is due to the fact that such a supplication contradicts the Aqa’id (creed) of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’a. The Arsh (throne) is a created entity whereas Allah is the Creator. Thus, such an invocation creates the impression that the creation contains the Creator or one of His sifaat (characteristics) which is impossible. Furthermore, it attributes the everlasting nature (qadeem) of Allah Ta’ala and His sifaat to something temporal and created (haadith), namely, the Arsh. (Al-Bahr al-Ra’iq, vol. 8 pg. 206, Maktaba Rashidiya)
والثانية من القعود تعالى الله عن ذلك علوا كبيرا فإنه يوهم أن عزه متعلق بالعرش والعرش حادث وما تعلق به يكون حادثا ضرورة والله سبحانه وتعالى عال عن صفات الحدوث بل عزه قديم
In regards to the second form of mediation, it is also disliked due to a secondary facet. The Jurists mention that the detestability of this meditation is due to the fact that no Prophet, saint or any other creation of Allah has a right upon Allah. Thus, seeking mediation through the right of a Prophet or saint etc creates the impression that Allah is bound and obligated to his creation through such rights which, in essence, degrades the Majesty and Honor of Allah the Most High. (Tabyeen al-Haqa’iq, vol. 7 pg. 70, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya)
يكره أن يقول في دعائه بحق فلان ، وكذا بحق أنبيائك ، وأوليائك أو بحق رسلك أو بحق البيت أو المشعر الحرام ؛ لأنه لا حق للخلق على الله تعالى ، وإنما يخص برحمته من يشاء من غير وجوب عليه
And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa
Madrasah Inaa’miyyah
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