Ref no: 0274#
Date: Friday , June 24, 2011 |
What is the proof for woman to fold their hands on the bossom in the Hanafi Madhab
What is the proof for woman to fold their hands on the bossom in the Hanafi Madhab.
I have looked into the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad and he says after hadith no: 290 that the hands should be folded below navel and he makes no exeption for a female…
Please refer to a proof, or the earliest possible hanafi fiqh book where this exeption is stated.
Muhtaram / Muhtaramah
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.
Hereunder, are a few quotations from the Hanafi Fiqh books:
1. Al- Fatawaa al-Sirajiyya (575 a.h):
المراة تضع يديها علي الصدر
“A woman will place her hands on her chest” (Al-Fatawaa Al-Qadi Khan with Al-Fatawaa al-Sirajiyya, vol 1, pg 51, Haqaniyya)
2. Badaai’ Al-Sanaai’ (581 a.h):
و اما محل الوضع: فما تحت السرة في حق الرجل والصدر في حق المراة
“The area of placing the hand will be below the navel for men and upon the chest for women” (Badaai’ Al-Sanaai’, vol 1, pg 470, Deoband)
3. Al-Fatawaa al-Tatarkhaniyya (786 a.h):
وفي الطحاوي: المراة تضع يدها علي صدرها بالاتفاق
“And in Tahawi it is stated: It is unanimously agreed that a woman will place her hand on her chest” (Al-Fatawaa al-Tatarkhaniyya, vol 1, pg 511, Idaratul Quran)
4. Jaami’ Al-Rumooz (955 a.h):
انها تضع علي صدرها
“A woman will place her hand on her chest” ( Jaami’ Al-Rumooz, vol 1, pg 149, HM Sa’eed)
5. Ghuniyyah Al-Mutamalli (956 a.h):
واما المراة فانها تضعهما تحت ثدييها بالاتفاق لانه استر لها
“It is unanimously agreed that a woman will place both her hands on her chest since it is more concealing for her” ( Ghuniyya, pg 301, Suhail Academy)
6. Al-Bahr al-Raiq (970 a.h):
بخلاف المرأة فإنها تضع على صدرها ؛ لأنه أستر لها
“Contrary to a woman because she will place her hand on her chest because it is more concealing for her” (Al-Bahr al-Raaiq, vol 1, pg 303, Rasheediyya)
7. Maraqi Al-Falaah (1069 a.h):
وتضع المراة يديها علي صدرها…….لانه استر لها
“And a woman will place her hand on her chest…..since it is more concealing for her” (Maraqi Al-Falaah with Hashiyya Tahtawi, pg 141, Meer Muhammad)
8. Al-Fatawaa al-Hindiyya (1085 a.h):
والمراة تضعهما تحت ثدييها
“A woman will place both her hands on her chest” (Al-Fatawaa al-Hindiyya, vol 1, pg 73, Rashediyya)
9. Al-Durr Al-Mukhtaar (1088 a.h):
وتضع المراة و الخنثي الكف علي الكف علي ثدييها
“And a woman and hermaphrodite will place their hands on their chest” (Al-Durr Al-Mukhtaar with Radd al-Muhtaar, vol 1, pg 487, HM Sa’eed)
And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa
Madrasah Inaa’miyyah
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