Plz give a clear ruling with regards to the waqf things in the masjid

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Ref no: 0315#

Date: Friday, July 8, 2011,




Plz give a clear ruling with regards to the waqf things in the masjid


Plz give a clear ruling with regards to the waqf things in the masjid.recently a masjid near our masjid needed to use our mimber whilst their mimber was being made it was an open day people from all cummunities were invited just for a few hours they needed to use our mimber.are we allowed to let them use our mimber?


Muhtaram / Muhtaramah

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.


Whatever belongs to the musjid is waqf. In principle, a waqf item cannot be borrowed. The Fuqaha have ruled that the items of one masjid cannot be transferred to another masjid. The Fuqaha ruled that the mimbar should not be taken out of the masjid even to the Eidgah (Musallah) for Eidul fitr and Eidul Adha.

فاذا تم و لزم لا يملك و لا يملك و لا يعار (در المختار 352:4 السعيد)

و لا يجوز نقله و نقل ماله الي مسجد أخر (رد المحتار 359:4 السعيد)

فتاوي رحيمية (87:9 دار الاشاعت)

فتاوي نظامي (4:86 تاج كمبيوترس ايند ببلشنك هاوس)

المبسوط – (ج 2 / ص 373 المكتة الشاملة)

( قال ) ولا يخرج المنبر في العيدين لما روينا

And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa

Madrasah Inaa’miyyah



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