Do you know any narration of how we have to hold our hands during dua?

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Ref no: 0170#

Date: Monday, May 23, 2011




Do you know any narration of how we have to hold our hands during dua?


Do you know any narration of how we have to hold our hands during dua? I mean whether we have to leave some space between the two hands or that we must join the handpalms together?

I have found these narrations in Mutalibul Aliya (3/153)  of Ibn Hajar in the section of ”Dua and Adhkaar” (rah) where he has put a chapter called;

”Making duaa with the handpalms joined together”

These are the narrations;

3349- Eshaz bin Suleyman narrates that the Prophet (saw) was passing by a man from the Ansar who was supplicating with his hands seperated. The Prophet (saw) said to him; ” Join your handpalms and make them one, because Allah is one.”

3350-Eshaz bin Abi Shasa (who narrated from a man from the Ansar from his Grandfather) that the Prophet (saw) was passing by a man who was supplicating with his hands seperated. The Prophet (saw) said to him; ”Make your handpalms one, because Allah is one.”

The first hadith is given referance to Musaddad and the second hadith referance to Ibn Abi Shaybah (according to the footnotes)

I have also find a similar hadith in Tabarani from Ibn Abbas that Nabi (saw) brought his two inside of his palms together and did face them opposite his face when making a duaa. But this one is considered to weak in Al Mawahib see Ahmad bin Hanbal Musnad 4/56.

Do you know anything about these narrations?


Muhtaram / Muhtaramah

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.


1.The meaning of the chapter in Al-Mutaalib al-‘Aaliya, “Baabud Duaa Bi Kaffin Waahidin” translates as “Chapter regarding making dua with one palm.” This chapter does not refer to making dua with the palms joined together.( Ittihaaf Al-Saada al-Muttaqeen, vol 5, pg 243, Ilmiyyah / Faid Al-Qadeer vol 1, pg 238, Ilmiyyah)

2.The Fuqahaa of the Hanafi Madhhab have stated that it is Mustahab to maintain a slight gap between the palms during dua. However, if the palms are joined without having a gap between the palms, that too is permissible.(Tahtaawi Alaa Maraaqi Al-Falaa, pg 317, Al-Fataawa al-Hindiyya, vol 5, pg 318, Rasheediyya / Ahsan Al-Fataawa,vol 3, pg 51)

3.The narration of Tabraani which states that the prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) joined his palms at the time of dua means that the palms were kept close together and not necessarily that they were exactly joined, as explained by Allaamah Tahtaawi.(Tahtaawi Alaa Maraaqi Al-Falaa, pg 317, Ilmiyya)

وفي النهر من فعل كيفيته المستحبة أن يكون بين الكفين فرجة وإن قلت : وأن لا يضع إحدى يديه على الأرض فإن كان لا يقدر على رفع يديه لعذر أو برد فأشار بالمستحبة أجزأ اهـ لكن في شرح الحصن الحصين والظاهر أن من الأدب أيضا ضم اليدين وتوجيه أصبعهما نحو القبلة وفي شرح المشكاة ورد أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم يوم عرفة جمع بين كفيه في الدعاء وأن أريد بالضم في كلام القرب التام لا ينافي وجود الفرجة القليلة(حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح)

(أحد) بفتح الهمزة وكسر المهملة مشددة بصيغة الأمر (يا سعد) بن أبي وقاص أي أشر بأصبع واحدة وهي المسبحة فإن الذي تدعوه واحد(فيض القدير)

قال المصنف : معني ” أحد” (اي: اقتصر علي الواحدة).  (اتحاف السادة المتقين)


And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa

Madrasah Inaa’miyyah



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