Date: Tuesday , February 21, 2012 |
Kataab: Qurbani
Fatwa: 8
Assalaam mu alaikum
Respected Mufti Saheb
1. If a person's qurbani was done in a country in which Eid was a day ahead and one's qurbani done on 10Zul Hijjah , will one's qurbani be valid?
Muhtaram / Muhtaramah
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.
We apologize for the belated response.
Your query is unclear. However, we understand that you are querying regarding a particular type of overseas qurbani i.e when one’s qurbani is made in a country that witnesses eid a day ahead of one’s own country. If our understanding is correct, we hereunder state:
There exists a difference of opinion amongst the contemporary ‘ulama regarding this issue. Some are of the opinion of permissibility, like Hazrat Mufti Abdur Raheem Laajpuri Saheb[1] (rahimahullah), whilst others are of the opinion of impermissibility. Amongst them is Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Taqi Saheb (hafidhahullah).
Those that support the view of permissibility, say so on the basis that the location of the animal is considered in qurbani and not the location of slaughterer (i.e. the owner of the animal). Hence, if the qurbani animal is overseas, it should be slaughtered on their days of eid, whether their eid is a day ahead or not.[2]
Those that support the view of impermissibility, say so on the basis that the qurbani animal cannot be slaughtered before the wujoob (obligation) of qurbani comes upon the slaughterer (i.e. the owner of the animal). The wujoob of qurbani is the witnessing of the 10th of Zul Hijjah. When one witnesses the 10th of Zul Hijjah, then one may slaughter his animal or instruct a representative to slaughter on his behalf.[3]
In the situation when eid is a day ahead in another country, then slaughtering an animal in that country on their day of eid will necessitate one performing qurbani before its obligation has comes upon oneself and this is impermissible.
Precaution demands that we follow the second opinion, i.e. if eid is a day ahead in another country, one should first observe the 10th Zul Hijjah in one’s own country and then instruct his representative in another country to slaughter his animal. It is imperative that the qurbani is carried out within three days from the time the slaughterer (owner of the animal) has observed the 10th Zul Hijjah and within the days of eid in that country.[4]
Example: If a South African intends to slaughter his qurbani in India. The day of eid falls on a Monday in India and on a Tuesday in South Africa. It will not be permissible for the South African to have his animal slaughtered on Monday and Thursday, as the wujoob of qurbani has not come upon him on Monday and Thursday is not considered a day of eid in India. He may instruct his representative to have his animal slaughtered on Tuesday or Wednesday.
And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa
Madrasah Inaa’miyyah
· The Sharée ruling herein given is specifically based on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.
· The Darul Ifta bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer. The Darul Ifta being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.
· This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of the Darul Ifta.
2ثم المعتبر في ذلك مكان الأضحية حتى لو كانت في السواد والمضحى في المصر يجوز كما انشق الفجر ولو كان على العكس لا يجوز إلا بعد الصلاة وحيلة المصري إذا أراد التعجيل أن يبعث بها إلى خارج المصر فيضحى بها كما طلع الفجر
(الهداية، كتاب الأضحية، مكتبة الشركه)
3وأما وقت الوجوب فأيام النحر فلا تجب قبل دخول الوقت لأن الواجبات الموقتة لا تجب قبل أوقاتها كالصلاة والصوم ونحوهما وأيام النحر ثلاثة يوم الأضحى وهو اليوم العاشر من ذي الحجة والحادي عشر والثاني عشر وذلك بعد طلوع الفجر من اليوم الأول إلى غروب الشمس من الثاني عشر
(بدائع الصنائع، كتاب التضحية، 6/285، العلمية)
4وأما الذي يرجع إلى وقت التضحية فهو أنها لا تجوز قبل دخول الوقت لأن الوقت كما هو شرط الوجوب فهو شرط جواز إقامة الواجب كوقت الصلاة فلا يجوز لأحد أن يضحي قبل طلوع الفجر الثاني من اليوم الأول من أيام النحر ويجوز بعد طلوعه سواء كان من أهل المصر أو من أهل القرى غير أن للجواز في حق أهل المصر شرطا زائدا وهو أن يكون بعد صلاة العيد لا يجوز تقديمها عليه عندنا
(بدائع الصنائع، كتاب التضحية، 6/308، العلمية)