A life of Da’wat and Sincerity in all Works

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Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned:

A Muslim’s entire life is a da’wat (invitation). This is not restricted to any situation; instead every action of his should be a da’wat.

Just as there are conditions for all other ‘ibaadaat and acts of worship, likewise there are conditions for inviting towards Islam. One should not adopt such an approach that would turn people away from Islam. The Quraan Shareef even advises us that in the process of inviting we should not pick on the religions of others, for they will in turn pick on Islam.

Among the most important aspects in inviting to righteousness is sincerity. This is the lesson that we learn from qurbaani. Allah Ta‘ala explains that it is not the meat or the blood that He looks at. Rather, it is the state of taqwa – referring to the state and condition of the heart. With what frame of mind is a person carrying out his ‘ibaadat? Is it being performed solely for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala or not? Whether we are going to sit in the company of some pious person or going for Hajj etc., it should all be for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala. It should not be for merely gaining some barkat.

Sincerity applies to our speech and our manner of dealing with situations as well. Sometimes, we utter certain statements just to gain the attention and favour of our superiors or people.

A life of Da’wat and Sincerity in all Works