Accepting Allah’s Guidance

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Accepting Allah’s Guidance




Allah Ysays after the incident of Hadhrat Ādam u, “If there ever comes to you any guidance from Me, then whomsoever will follow My guidance, there shall be no fear on them, neither shall they grieve.”


Allah Yhas not merely sent man in this world to eat, drink and reproduce. Allah Ysubjects man to numerous trials in this world to test his worth and has ordained certain injunctions which he has to fulfil. If man will abide by the teachings of the Ambiyā uand the divine scriptures, Allah Ywill allow him to return to the place whence his parents, Hadhrat Ādam and Hawwa uleft. Just as the disbelievers do not inherit from Muslims, the disbelieving progeny of Hadhrat Ādam and Hawwa uwill not inherit the bliss of Jannah from their Muslim parents.


Hadhrat Ādam u and all the Ambiyā uafter him preached Islam, which has the following three basic tenets:


1.       Belief in Tauheed, i.e. in the Being and attributes of Allah as He has explained them via his messengers and books.

2.       Belief in prophethood, which includes belief in all Allah’s prophets and whatever they preached, i.e. belief in the angels, predestination, Jannah, Jahannam, and all the other laws propagated by the Ambiyā u.

3.       Beliefin resurrection after death, when people will receive the rewards or punishment for what they did in the world.

All the Ambiyā upreached the above tenets, although their specific religions may have differed as far as the injunctions are concerned. It is for this reason that Rasūlullāh esaid, “I am the closest person to Isa u, the son of Maryam uin this world and in the Hereafter. All the Ambiyā uare step brothers with different mothers, having the same religion.” [Bukhari Vol.1 Pg.490]


People are grossly incorrect to say that Islam is only one and a half centuries old. Islam has been propagated from the time of Hadhrat Ādam u, and has been preached by every one of the Ambiyā u.


While all the previous Ambiyā uhave passed away from this world, the message of Rasūlullāh eis perpetuated by the Qur'ān because he was sent as a prophet to the entire universe till Qiyāmah. Every person, be he a Jew, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu, is part of Rasūlullāh’s eUmmah, and needs to accept his message.


Allah Ysays in verse 85 of Surah Āle Imrān, “Whosoever seeks a religion besides Islam, it shall never be accepted from him, and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.”


Allah Ysays to Rasūlullāh ein Surah Saba [verse 28], “We have sent you as a messenger, bearer of glad tidings, and a warner to the whole of mankind. However, most people do not know.” 


Imām Muslim reports that Rasūlullāh esaid, “I swear by the Being in whose control lies my life! Whichever person of this Ummah, be he a Jew or a Christian, dies without believing in me after hearing about me, will be from the dwellers of the blazing fire.” C


 (Adapted from Anwārul Bayān)

Accepting Allah’s Guidance

Moulānā Ebrāhīm Muhammad



Allah Ysays after the incident of Hadhrat Ādam u, “If there ever comes to you any guidance from Me, then whomsoever will follow My guidance, there shall be no fear on them, neither shall they grieve.”


Allah Yhas not merely sent man in this world to eat, drink and reproduce. Allah Ysubjects man to numerous trials in this world to test his worth and has ordained certain injunctions which he has to fulfil. If man will abide by the teachings of the Ambiyā uand the divine scriptures, Allah Ywill allow him to return to the place whence his parents, Hadhrat Ādam and Hawwa uleft. Just as the disbelievers do not inherit from Muslims, the disbelieving progeny of Hadhrat Ādam and Hawwa uwill not inherit the bliss of Jannah from their Muslim parents.


Hadhrat Ādam u and all the Ambiyā uafter him preached Islam, which has the following three basic tenets:


1.       Belief in Tauheed, i.e. in the Being and attributes of Allah as He has explained them via his messengers and books.

2.       Belief in prophethood, which includes belief in all Allah’s prophets and whatever they preached, i.e. belief in the angels, predestination, Jannah, Jahannam, and all the other laws propagated by the Ambiyā u.

3.       Beliefin resurrection after death, when people will receive the rewards or punishment for what they did in the world.

All the Ambiyā upreached the above tenets, although their specific religions may have differed as far as the injunctions are concerned. It is for this reason that Rasūlullāh esaid, “I am the closest person to Isa u, the son of Maryam uin this world and in the Hereafter. All the Ambiyā uare step brothers with different mothers, having the same religion.” [Bukhari Vol.1 Pg.490]


People are grossly incorrect to say that Islam is only one and a half centuries old. Islam has been propagated from the time of Hadhrat Ādam u, and has been preached by every one of the Ambiyā u.


While all the previous Ambiyā uhave passed away from this world, the message of Rasūlullāh eis perpetuated by the Qur'ān because he was sent as a prophet to the entire universe till Qiyāmah. Every person, be he a Jew, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu, is part of Rasūlullāh’s eUmmah, and needs to accept his message.


Allah Ysays in verse 85 of Surah Āle Imrān, “Whosoever seeks a religion besides Islam, it shall never be accepted from him, and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.”


Allah Ysays to Rasūlullāh ein Surah Saba [verse 28], “We have sent you as a messenger, bearer of glad tidings, and a warner to the whole of mankind. However, most people do not know.” 


Imām Muslim reports that Rasūlullāh esaid, “I swear by the Being in whose control lies my life! Whichever person of this Ummah, be he a Jew or a Christian, dies without believing in me after hearing about me, will be from the dwellers of the blazing fire.” C


 (Adapted from Anwārul Bayān)