Does one have to change the underwear following the discharge?

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Date: Monday, April 30, 2012







I have several questions pertaining to non‑menstrual discharge.  I am aware that non‑menstrual discharge breaks wudhu. Can you please clarify the following:


  1. Does one have to change the underwear following the discharge?


  1. Does one have to wash oneself around the area of discharge before performing new wudhu or is wiping with a wet tissue sufficient?


  1. Is it true that if one places a thick layer of cotton into the vagina, and the discharge does not seep through the cotton onto the panty, then the wudhu is not broken.


  1. If after making fresh wudhu, one begins to make their salah and during the salah you suspect you have had a fresh discharge, should one break their salah and make fresh wudhu.  Also should one check after every four or two rakahs to make sure that no fresh discharge has taken place.

whom shall he speak to?





Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.


The blood a woman sees lesser than three days, more than 10 days or beyond 40 days (in the case of Nifās (post-natal bleeding) is termed as Istihadah. A woman experiencing Istihādah can perorm salaah and observe the fast. She will follow the ruling of a Ma’zur (excused person).

Below are the answers to your queries regarding a woman experiencing Istihādah:

1. If the underwear gets soiled to the extent of a Dirham i.e. 3cm in diameter or more, it will be necessary upon her to wash the soiled area of the body and clothes. If not, it will be preferable to do so.

However, if she is bleeding continuous and she is sure that if she washes the clothes and the area and begins Salāh, definitely she will bleed during the Salaah, then in such a case also, it will not be necessary upon her to wash the clothes and the area.

(Fatāwā Hindiyyah, Vol.1, Pg.46, Ilmiyyah)[1]
(Zakhrul Muta-Ahhilin, pg,113,Baitul Ilm)
(Ahsanul Fatāwā, Vol.2, Pg75, H.M Saeed)

2. In the case when it is necessary for her wash the area, it will not be permissible for her to suffice upon awet tissue, but to wash the area.

3. If a thick layer of cotton is inserted into the inner part of the vagina (beyond the hymen), then her wudhu will only break when the blood etc comes in line or surpasses the hymen and is visible on the outer area of the vagina. It is not a condition that the blood should soil the underwear. The blood merely being apparent will cause the wudhu to break.       

(Raddul Muhtār, Vol.1, Pg.284, H.M Saeed)[2]
(Zakhrul Muta-Ahhilin, pg. 36-38 ,Baitul Ilm)

However, it is Makrooh (disliked) to use a tampon or to insert a cloth etc into the inner part of the vagina.

(Muhītul Burhāni, Vol.1, Pg.401, Idāratul Qurān)[3]

4. A Mustahādah (women experiencing Istihādah) will follow the rulings of a Ma’zur (excused person) which are as follows:

a. Establishing a Mazur: In order for a person to become a Ma’zur, the reason for which he cannot maintain his wudhu e.g. bleeding, passing wind etc must be found for an entire Salaah time. To such an extent that he does not find sufficient time to perform wudhu and perform Salāh without that reason reoccurring. Such a person will be regarded as a Ma’zur.

b. Remaining as a Ma’zur: After qualifying as a Ma’zur, In order for him to remain a Ma’zur that exact reason must occur at least once in every Salāh time (not the entire time). If any Salaah time passes by in which that reason did not occur at least once, he will no longer remain a Ma’zur.
In order for him to become a Ma’zur again, that reason will need to found for an entire Salaah time as mentioned above.

c. A Ma’zur will need to make a fresh wudhu for every Salāh. His wudhu will not break with the reoccurring of that reason through which he became a Ma’zur. However, his wudhu will break with the other factors which break the wudhu

d. The wudhu of a Ma’zur will also break with the expiry of every Salāh time.


So, if a person qualified as a Ma’zur and he suspects that very same reason for which he became a Ma’zur in the Salaah, there will be no reason to break the Salaah in order to check whether it is done before or after the Salāh because in his/her right the wudhu is still intact.

However, if she is not a Ma’zur and she has a strong feeling that some discharge has emitted causing her wudhu and Salaah will break, It will be necessary on her to renew the wudhu and repeat the Salāh.

(Hāshiyatut Tahtāwi Ala Marāqil Falāh, Pg.146-151, Ilmiyyah)
(Zakhrul Muta-Ahhilin, pg,105-107,Baitul Ilm)
(Fatāwā Mahmudiyyah, Vol.5, Pg.213-226, Fārukiyyah)
(Ahsanul Fatāwā, Vol.2, Pg73, H.M Saeed)





And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa

Madrasah Inaa’miyyah



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·         The Darul Ifta bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer. The Darul Ifta being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.

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[1] إذا كان به جرح سائل وقد شد عليه خرقة فأصابها الدم أكثر من قدر الدم أو أصاب ثوبه إن كان بحال لو غسله يتنجس ثانيا قبل الفراغ من الصلاة جاز أن لا يغسله وصلى قبل أن يغسله وإلا فلا هذا هو المختار هكذا في المضمرات

[2] ( وركنه بروز الدم من الرحم ) أي ظهوره منه إلى خارج الفرج الداخل فلو نزل إلى الفرج الداخل فليس بحيض في ظاهر الرواية وبه بفتى  قهستاني وعن محمد بالإحساس به

 وثمرته فيما لو توضأت ووضعت الكرسف ثم أحست بنزول الدم إليه قبل الغروب ثم رفعته بعده تقضي الصوم عنده خلافا لهما يعني إذا لم يحاذ حرف الفرج الداخلفإن حاذته البلة من الكرسف كان حيضا ونفاسا اتفاقا وكذا الحدث بالبول

[3] وعن محمد بن سلمة البلخي رحمه الله أنه يكره للمرأة أن تضع الكرسف في الفرج الداخل، قال: لأن ذلك يشبه النكاح بيدها.
(كذا في فتاوى تاتارخانية,1/331)