The Reality of Dreams

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Qaadhi Thanaullah Panipati (RA) mentions in Tafseer Mazhari, ‘The images seen in sleep are known as dreams.’

Dreams are messengers from the unknown, voices from our collective subconscious, warners of deep inner disturbance in the individual psyche, bearing glad tidings of good things to come or echoes of happiness or sadness and long hidden memories. Some dreams belong to the domain of personal experience and some are prophetic voices of the future. They are a universal phenomenon. Hence, the art of interpretations is a science known to selected and gifted individuals.

Dreams are of 3 types:

a) Images of incidents which transpired in real life

b) Frightening images indoctrinated by Shaytaan.

c) Dreams in which Allah Ta’ala opens the unseen to the heart. This is a true dream.

The above 2 types of dreams are false dreams.

Allaamah Aloosi (RA), the mufti of Baghdad, explaining the reality and essence of dreams says, Allah Ta’ala creates in the heart of a sleeping person certain thoughts or images as he does to the heart of a conscious person. Allah then makes these thoughts or images signs to event which He will create in future.

Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Nothing remains of prophethood but glad tidings.’ The companions asked, ‘What are gladtidings?’ Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Pleasant true dreams’. True dreams constitute a portion of the knowledge and fundamental make-up of Nubuwwat (prophethood), hence, generally the more resemblance a person has with prophethood by his actions, speech, piety, knowledge and character, accordingly, his dreams will also generally be true.

Dreams are most potent during the latter part of the night, during siesta, during the time and during the fruit ripening season. This is probably, based on the Hadith, ‘When the time till draw near, the dreams of a Mu’min will not be false.’ Ulama has interpreted this to also mean, ‘the night and day being equal in duration and the abovementioned normally occurs when the day and night are equal in duration.

Ulama mention certain etiquettes of dreams, derived from the Ahaadith. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) has stated, ‘He should not narrate it to anyone’. It should be narrated to a beloved and intelligent person. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘The dream is like a string suspended on the feet of a bird, as long as it is not related to anyone, the moment it is narrated, it will transpire.’

If a person sees an evil dream, he should; a) Spit lightly 3 times to the left side, b) Change the side on which he was sleeping, c) Perform 2 Rakaats of Salaat seeking protection.