I would like to ask the ruling of masjid in which made from a room / apartment in a multi storey building.
Which rooms / building are considered as building of masjid?
Or in a musjid which has build into several levels, and due to the expensive land cost, and the need some other room than praying area, like kitchen, toilet, school, office etc. can we build them on the other level of the masjid?
Jazakallahu khair
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.
Respected Brother in Islam,
There are three angles to your query:
1- To put a second level to an existing Musjid.
2- To build a Musjid into several levels and specify one level as Musjid.
3- To make one room from a multi storey building into a Musjid.
1) If a Musjid is built and its boundaries are demarcated, the sanctity of the Musjid will apply to that piece of land till the day of Qiyāmah. If after some time another level is added below or above that Musjid, the area below and/or above the demarcated area will also be considered as Musjid and the sanctity and virtues of the Musjid will apply to that area as well.
(احسن الفتاوى, ج6,ص444,سعيد)
(امداد الفتاوى, ج2, ص683, دار العلوم كراجي)
2) If a Musjid has been built into several levels (which was not previously a Musjid), it will be permissible for the guardians of the Musjid to specify only the ground floor or first floor as the Musjid. In such a case, whatever is built above or beneath the Musjid should also be Waqf and for the benefit of the Musjid.
(احسن الفتاوى, ج6,ص444,سعيد)
(امداد الفتاوى, ج2, ص683, دار العلوم كراجي)
3) It will not be permissible to make one room from a multi storey building into a Musjid unless the entire building is given for the use/benefit of the Musjid.
(الدر المختار,ج4, ص357,سعيد)
(رد المحتار,ج4, ص357,سعيد)
(امداد الفتاوى, ج2, ص684, دار العلوم كراجي)
And Allah knows best.
Darul Iftaa
Madrasah Inaa’miyya
1( وإذا جعل تحته سردابا لمصالحه ) أي المسجد ( جاز ) كمسجد القدس ( ولو جعل لغيرها أو ) جعل ( فوقه بيتا وجعل باب المسجد إلى طريق وعزله عن ملكه لا ) يكون مسجدا ( وله بيعه يورث عنه ) خلافا لهما ( كما لو جعل وسط داره مسجدا وأذن للصلاة فيه ) حيث لا يكون مسجدا إلا إذا شرط الطريق زيلعي
فرع لو بنى فوقه بيتا للإمام لا يضر لأنه من المصالح أما لو تمت المسجدية ثم أراد البناء منع ولو قال عنيت ذلك لم يصدق تاترخانية
ظاهره أنه لا فرق بين أن يكون البيت للمسجد أو لا إلا أنه يؤخذ من التعليل أن محل عدم كونه مسجدا فيما إذا لم يكن وقفا على مصالح المسجد وبه صرح في الإسعاف فقال : وإذا كان السرداب أو العلو لمصالح المسجد أو كانا وقفا عليه صار مسجدا .ا هـ شرنبلالية