Guidance through Respect

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There was once a fire-worshipper who noticed his son eating during the month of Ramadhaan in the presence of the Muslims. He was infuriated and reprimanded his son, “How could you destroy the sanctity of the Muslims during the month of Ramadhaan?”

After his death, a scholar from the neighbourhood saw him in a dream enjoying from the bounties of Jannat. He was quite surprised and asked: “Were you not a fire-worshipper?”
The man replied: “Yes, I was. However, as I was about to pass away Allah Ta`ala granted me the good fortune of accepting Islam due to the respect I showed for the month of Ramadhaan.” (Nuzhat-ul-Majaalis, p. 201) 

Lesson: Respect for the distinguishing features and symbols of Islam draws Allah Ta`ala’s special mercy and guidance.