How much right does a wife have on husband

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Date: Tuesday , May 22, 2012




My Question is:

How much right does a wife have on husband,is husband’s brothers and sisters more important than a wife and children.

Do the in laws have right to abuse and mentally torcher their daughter in law,does shariah has anything to say about this,and can a husband let his sister abuse his wife ,is the husband at fault by letting his sister do injustice to his wife,and staying quiet just because she is his blood/sister and not asking her to stay in her limits.

The husband very well knows who is at fault, but still he cannot speak against his sister because she is his sister……….because of all this the wife is very much mentally tensed,and cannot forget the abuse done to her, can a husband do things which hurt a wife’s feelings,should he maintain good relaion with people who hate his wife… right are all these things.




Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.

The husband is responsible for the food, shelter and clothing of his wife and children. Together with this it is his responsibility to look after their deen and emotional well being. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has emphasised the rights of women in Islam. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has also said that the best of you is he who is best to his women. [Tirmidhi] Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has also said that the best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am best to my family. [Tirmidhi]

It is therefore your husband’s responsibility to treat you and his sisters in such a manner that is exemplary. He should not sacrifice the rights of one in order to please the other. It is obvious that as a wife you have greater right over your husband than his sisters. It is your husband’s responsibility to protect you if anyone intends harming you, whether it be from his family or otherwise.


We advise you to commence with Ta’leem of the Fadhaaile A’maal in the house at a time when your husband is present. This will be a means of blessings and goodness coming in the home, In ShaAllah.


Allah Ta’aala alone is the Being who has created us from non-existence. Likewise for our existence we are totally dependent on Allah Ta’aala. It is only by Allah’s grace that we breathe, our hearts pump, our lungs inhale and exhale, we see, talk, hear and do everything else. We have to be grateful to Allah Ta’aala for all that He has given us. In difficult times our attention must go to Allah Ta’aala and we must realise that every situation is a test from Allah Ta’aala and that He is watching our reaction to His tests. We should therefore turn to Allah Ta’aala seeking His assistance and persevere patiently.

We believe that Allah Ta’aala is the sole controller and doer and that all conditions are from Allah Ta’aala. Allah Ta’aala has likewise only kept success in fulfilling his commands in all conditions. This lesson should be firmly embedded in their hearts. A person should always ask Allah Ta’aala for aafiyat(ease and protection from all forms of difficulty), but Allah Ta’aala alone knows what conditions will come to a person. Success is not in any specific condition; rather success is in fulfilling the command of Allah Ta’aala in all conditions. If a person fulfils the command of Allah Ta’aala in a difficult situation then that person is successful. The difficult condition will then be a means for that person getting closer to Allah Ta’aala.


If you will make sabr on the test you are faced with in the form of your husband then this will insha Allah Ta’aala be a means of great reward and the forgiveness of your sins. If you cannot manage making sabr then it may be appropriate to contact a local Aalim to speak to your husband in this regard. [Refer to Mamudiyyah v 29, p 77]



And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa

Madrasah Inaa’miyyah


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