I would like to inquire about special prayers

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I would like to inquire about special prayers after one’s death. There is a belief or culture to have prayers on the 3 rd day and 40th day. Is this Islamic or just culture? If it’s Islamic when does the count start? Is it from the day of death or burial?






Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.


Allah Ta’ala through His infinite mercy gave us a complete religion, a religion which covers every aspect of a person’s life from birth right up to after death. Allah Ta’ala also sent His messenger, Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلمto practically demonstrate to us how we should lead our lives. Whatever is established from Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلمforms part of Deen and we are encouraged to follow this way of life. Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quraan:

{ قل إن كنتم تحبون الله فاتبعوني يحببكم الله } آل عمران 31

Say (O Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلمif you love Allah then follow

my way of life, Allah will love you


Considering anything which is not established in the Quran or Hadeeth as being part of Deen or to stipulate any method, time, or place for any action would be considered as an innovation in Deen. It is of utmost importance that we adhere to the sunnah because everything besides the sunnah would be rejected. Nabi صلى الله عليه و سلمis reported to have said:

« من أحدث فى أمرنا هذا ما ليس فيه فهو رد » بخارى 2697

Whoever innovates anything in Deen then it will be rejected


From amongst the many innovations is to gather people on specific days in order to make esaale thawaab for the deceased and regard this practice to be part of Deen. This practice has neither been established from Rasool صلى الله عليه و سلمor from his noble companions. A person may send esaale thawaab (passing on reward to the deceaded) at any time. He does not have to specify certain days for this. Having prayers after the burial on the 3rd; 10th; 40th day etc. is not established in Islaam and thus is an innovation which should be abstained from. (Fataawaa Mahmoodiyyah 3-88, 90)


ويكره اتخاذ الضيافة من الطعام من أهل الميت لأنه شرع في السرور لا في الشرور ، وهي بدعة مستقبحة

(فتح القدير 2-102رشيدية رد المحتار 2-240 سعيد )

وفي البزازية : ويكره اتخاذ الطعام في اليوم الأول والثالث وبعد الأسبوع ونقل الطعام إلى القبر في المواسم ، واتخاذ الدعوة لقراءة القرآن وجمع الصلحاء والقراء للختم أو لقراءة سورة الأنعام أو الإخلاص

(رد المحتار 2-240 سعيد)

And Allah knows best