If a woman menstruate for 7 days

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Date: Thursday , April 26, 2012











If a woman menstruate for 7 days.  3 days heaving bleeding, 2 days medium/light bleeding and 2 days light brown discharge.  


1.  Does the woman have to wait until the brown discharge has stopped/cleared completely before performing ghusl and praying salah?


2.  If the discharge is only noticeable when wiped with a tissue, does she still have to wait for the brown discharge to disappear before performing ghusl?








Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.


1.The brown discharge a woman sees during her days of menstruation will also be regarded as Haidh (menstruation). Hence, she should wait for the discharge to terminate, thereafter she should have a Gusul (complete bath) and perform Salāh.

(Hāshiyatut Tahtāwi, Pg.139, Ilmiyyah)[1]
(Tātārkhāniyyah, Vol.1, Pg.330, Idāratul Qurān)

2. Yes. Once the discharge has terminated totally, then only she should have a bath.



And Allah knows best
Darul Iftaa

Madrasah Inaa’miyyah



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[1] ( وركنه بروز الدم المخصوص ) هو من إضافة ما كان صفة أي الدم البارز وأما البروز فشرطه الثبوت وهو ما كان من الألوان الستة وهي السواد والحمرة والصفرة والكدرة والخضرة والترية ووقت ثبوته بالبروز وهو إنما يعلم بمجاوزة موضع البكارة وهي بالخروج إلى الفرج الظاهر إعتبارا بنواقض الوضوء