Haarith rahmatullahi alaih reports, “I heard Hadhrat Uthmaan radhiyallahu anhu saying: ‘Keep away from wine for it is the root of all vice and evil. Amongst the former people there was a man who used to be engaged in ibaadat (worship). An immoral woman fell in love with him. In order to get him to her, she sent her slave girl to him with this message that we request your presence in order that you may give testimony on a certain issue. (To give testimony is an act of virtue and pious people do not miss these opportunities.) So he accompanied the slave girl. She ensured to lock each door he entered through thus allowing him no escape.
Suddenly he was ushered before a beautiful woman who had with her a little child and a bottle of wine. She said to him, “By Allah! I have not called you here to give testimony. Rather, I have invited you here only so that you may either commit zina with me, or drink a glass of wine or murder this little boy.” He replied: “Give me a glass of wine.” (For he thought this to be the lightest and least harmful of the 3 evils) Hence, she served him a glass. On drinking this and becoming intoxicated he said: “Give me more.” Thereafter it was not long that he committed zina with her and also murdered that little child.
So keep away from wine, for by Allah, Imaan and a close attachment to wine cannot coexist, and either one is sure to drive out the other.’” (Nasai, vol. 2, pg. 330)
Intoxicants, the Root of all Evil
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January 18, 2018 by