Minimam nisab level for Zakath

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Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012




Minimam nisab level for Zakath to wajib is 525g of silver & 75g of gold, now my question is now in my country 1g of gold is 900Rs & 1g of silver is 18Rs. why is such a huge difference between the two quantities  for the requirement of Zakath now on what basis shoul we judge our nisab.

I know a person who lives in his own house and his wife have some jewellary which is not upt to the level over which Zakath has to be paid, His dealy bread earnig is als some time beaome difficult can I give Zakath to Him.

I have heard that Zakath or any other SADQUAS should not be given to SYEEDS is true Pls give the reference. 

I will be very Great full to you for yor answers.







Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.

Zakat is due upon a person when he becomes the owner of a specific amount (nisab) of wealth after deducting debts and a year has elapsed on that wealth.  The nisab of zakat for gold is 7.5 tolas (87.48 g) and for silver it is 52.5 tolas (612.35 g).

When calculating zakat, the weight of gold and silver will be taken into consideration and not the value.  If a person has gold equivalent to and above the amount of nisab, then 2.5% of gold will be given in zakat.  If he wishes to give the actual gold in zakat, then the weight will be taken into consideration.  If he wishes to discharge the zakat in cash then the value of the gold will be taken into consideration.  For example if a person has 50 tolas of gold, 1.25 tolas of gold will be due upon him.  He may either give 1.25 tola of gold or the value 1.25 tolas of gold.

The same ruling will apply for zakat or silver.  If a person has silver equivalent to and above the amount of nisab, then 2.5% of silver will be given in zakat.  If he wishes to give the actual silver in zakat, then the weight will be taken into consideration.  If he wishes to discharge the zakat in cash then the amount of silver will be taken into consideration.

If a person has a small amount of gold which does not reach the nisab and he owns no silver or cash, then zakat is not due upon the gold.  Similarly, if a person has a small amount of silver which does not reach the nisab and he neither owns gold nor cash, then zakat is not due upon the silver.

If a person has a small amount of gold and with it he has cash or silver, the gold will be joined with the cash and silver.  If it reaches the nisab of silver, zakat will be due.  For example, a person has 2 tolas gold and 50 tolas silver. If we were to assume that the price of 2 tolas gold can purchase 20 tolas silver, then you will add 20 tolas to the 50 tolas silver and calculate zakat of 70 tolas silver. 

Fatawa Mehmoodia (9/380) Jamia Farooqia
Al-Durr al-Mukhtar (2/303) H.M. Saeed Company

( و ) يضم ( الذهب إلى الفضة ) وعكسه بجامع الثمنية ( قيمة ) وقالا بالإجزاء ، فلو له مائة درهم وعشرة دنانير قيمتها مائة وأربعون تجب ستة عنده وخمسة عندهما فافهم (الدر المختار) 

If one had the complete nisab of gold and complete nisab of silver then it is better to give the zakat of each one separately.  If one wishes to combine the two, then that nisab which is more benefiting to the poor will be taken into consideration.

Cash will be calculated according the nisab of silver.  If a person has cash which can purchase him 52.5 tolas (612.35 g) or more, then zakat will be due upon him. 

Fiqhi Muqalat of Mufti Taqi Usmani (1/31) Memon Islamic Publishers
Badai’al-Sanai’ (2/103) Dar al-Kitab Deoband
Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya (1/179) Maktaba Rashidiyya

وأما الفلوس فلا زكاة فيها إذا لم تكن للتجارة وإن كانت للتجارة فإن بلغت مائتين وجبت الزكاة كذا في المحيط (الفتاوى الهندية)

 فإن كانت أثمانا رائجة أو كان يمسكها للتجارة يعتبر قيمتها فإن بلغت قيمتها مائتي درهم من أدنى الدراهم التي تجب فيها الزكاة وهي التي الغالب عليها الفضة تجب فيها الزكاة وإلا فلا (بدائع الصنائع)

The difference between the value of gold nisab and value of silver nisab is not due to Shariah, but do the current economic variations.  The value of gold has gone higher over the years.  As stated above, in reality the weight of gold is taken into consideration and not the value.


The jewelry that a woman owns is her wealth and not the wealth of her husband.  If a person is poor and eligible to receive zakat then you may give zakat to him.  The wife owning jewelry does not make it unlawful for the husband to receive zakat.


It is impermissible to give zakat to people who are from the Progeny of the following:

–         Fatima (Radhiyallahu Anha)

–         Ali (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

–         Abbas (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

–         Ja’far (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

–         Aqeel (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

–         Harith ibn Abdul Muttalib (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

Similarly it is impermissible to give other charities which are wajib, e.g. nadhr, kaffara, sadaqat al-fitr.  Charities besides these may be given to them.

Bahishti Zewar p.229 Maktaba Thanwi Deoband
Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya (1/189) Maktaba Rashidiyya
Rad al-Muhtar (2/350) H.M. Saeed Company

ولا يدفع إلى بني هاشم ، وهم آل علي وآل عباس وآل جعفر وآل عقيل وآل الحارث بن عبد المطلب كذا في الهداية ويجوز الدفع إلى من عداهم من بني هاشم كذرية أبي لهب ؛ لأنهم لم يناصروا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كذا في السراج الوهاج . هذا في الواجبات كالزكاة والنذر والعشر والكفارة فأما التطوع فيجوز الصرف إليهم كذا في الكافي  (الفتاوى الهندية) 

( قوله : وبني هاشم إلخ ) اعلم أن عبد مناف وهو الأب الرابع للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أعقب أربعة وهم : هاشم والمطلب ونوفل وعبد شمس ، ثم هاشم أعقب أربعة انقطع نسل الكل إلا عبد المطلب فإنه أعقب اثني عشر تصرف الزكاة إلى أولاد كل إذا كانوا مسلمين فقراء إلا أولاد عباس وحارث وأولاد أبي طالب من علي وجعفر وعقيل قهستاني ، وبه علم أن إطلاق بني هاشم مما لا ينبغي إذ لا تحرم عليهم كلهم بل على بعضهم ولهذا قال في الحواشي السعدية : إن آل أبي لهب ينسبون أيضا إلى هاشم وتحل لهم الصدقة 

And Allah knows best


Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah

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