Orders for Deceased (From Dying to burial

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Dying Time (Sakarat)

Signs of Dying

1. When the breath begins stopping and starts breathing faster and faster.

2. When the legs become loose and cannot lift up.

3. When the Nose becomes transverse.

4. When there are gaps in the Earlobes i.e. they become hollow.

5. When there is sweat (perspiration) on the forehead.

6. When the above signs appear it should be understood that these are the last moments of the Dying person.

At the time of dying, the person should be laid on his/her back, in such a manner that the legs face “The Qiblah”, and the head should be raised a little by placing a pillow underneath the head, so that the face may not be towards the “Sky”, but it should be in the direction of the Qiblah. It is better to lie the dying person in such a manner that the “Soul” leaves the body easily this is the tradition of our elders.

The second procedure is also like this that the dying person is laid on the right side so that the face and the whole of the front part of the body faces “The Qiblah” (as the corpse is laid in the grave). You may adopt anyone of the procedures mentioned above which is easy to lay the dying person but the first is “Masnoon” (preferred). (Hidayah, Fathul Qadeer, Bahar).

Sit by the dying person and recite the “First Kalimah:

Laa ilaaha illallaahu, Muhammadun rasoolullah

Trans: There is none worthy of Worship but Allah, Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is Allah’s Messenger

Loudly so that the dying person may start reciting it by hearing you. But DO NOT TELL the dying person to recite it. The time of death is very difficult and the dying person may say any improper word. Even though the dying person may not recite “the Kalimah” but your recitation of “Kalimah” will have an effect on the dying person’s heart (Alamgiri- 157)


1. At the time of dying if you recite “Surah Yaseen”, at the head of the dying person it makes the difficulties of death easy for that person. For each letter of “Surah Yaseen” recited there appear ten angels of mercy and they supplicate for mercy for the dying person.

2. At the time of dying DO NOT ask the person about the arrangement of his/her wealth and estate, children’s care etc., for this is the time of parting from the world and entering the court of “ALLAH SUBHANA WATALLAH”. Hence talk about such matters that the dying person’s heart turns towards “ALLAH SUBHANA WATALLAH”, and DO NOT talk about worldly affairs to him/her at such a time.

3. If the dying person says (utters) (may ALLAH SUBHANA WATALLAH protect us all at this important time) any word of Kufr (non-belief) then do not pay any attention to it. Also do not discuss or gossip about it because owing to the difficulty of death, the dying person may lose his/her sense and hence he/she, may be forgiven for whatever he/she has said in such a condition. So you must keep praying for that person’s pardon. You must regard that person as a “MUSLIM” and carry out the procedure of bathing, Kafn etc., according to “ISLAMIC” custom. At such a time even though a word of “KUFR” may have been said still it will not be implied as “KUFR”. (Alamgiri-157).

Procedure after Death

When someone has died, straighten the deceased person’s hand and legs, and join together the toes of the feet and tie up. With a broad strip of cloth taking it under the chin and over the head make a knot so that the mouth does not remain open. Keeping your hand on the deceased person’s eyes recite:

Bismillaahi wa ‘alaa millat rasoolillah

Trans: In the name of Allah and on the creed, religion and faith of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)’

And close the eyes and cover the body with a sheet. (Alamgiri 157).


1. A man in need of a Bath (Ghusal) or a woman in her monthly period (Menstruation) or bleeding after childbirth must not go near the corpse. There is no objection in sitting by the side of a person before they die.

2. It is permitted to have grief in the heart and tears flowing from the eyes for the deceased. But weeping loudly by screaming is not permitted and whosoever weeps in this manner will be deprived of “ALLAH SUBAHAN WATALLAH’S” mercy, (i.e. will earn “LANAT” of “ALLAH SUBHANA WATALLAH” (displeasure)). Owing to such an act the deceased will be punished, but if the deceased had advised (made a will) not to weep in such a manner and someone does so, (weeps loudly) then the deceased will not be punished owing to this reason.

3. It is not permitted to recite the “QURAAN MAJID” by the deceased until the corpse has been given the bath (Ghusal). However it is permitted to recite by sitting away from the deceased or after putting a clean cloth over the deceased. (Shami 800/1).