Paradise And Hell Fire

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Paradise And Hell Fire

A Sahih hadith reported by At-Tirmidhi narrates on the authority of Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anh) that the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “When Allah created Paradise, He sent Jibreel to it and said,’Look at it and the pleasures I have prepared for its inhabitants.’ So Jibreel (aleyhi-salam) came to Paradise and looked at what Allah (azza wa jal) had prepared for its inhabitants. He then returned to Allah and said, ‘I swear by Your Grandeur that not a single person will hear of it except that he will enter it (i.e he will do anything to enter it).’ Then Allah ordered Paradise to be surrounded by adversities, calamities and detestable things and He said to Jibreel, ‘Go back and look at it and what I have prepared for its inhabitants.’ Jibreel went back to Paradise and found that it had been surrounded by adversities, calamities and detestable things, so he returned to Allah and said, ‘I swear by Your Grandeur that I fear that no one will enter it (i.e he will do anything to avoid it).’

Then Allah said to Jibreel, ‘Go to Hell and look at it and the punishments that I have prepared for its inhabitants.’ Jibreel looked at Hell and found it extremely horrible, so he said to Allah, ‘I swear by Your Grandeur that not a single person will hear of it except that he will avoid entering it.’ Then Allah ordered Hell to be surrounded by desires and luxuries and said to Jibreel, ‘Go back to it.’ Jibreel returned to Hell and then said, ‘I swear by Your Grandeur that no one will be able to escape from it.'”