Qasidah Burda Shareef

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by Allaamah Sharafuddeen Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Busairi (RA)

The reason for writing this poem

THE WRITER HAZRAT IMAAM SAALIH SHARA-FUD-DEEN ABU ABDULLAH MUHAMMAD BIN HASAN AL-BUSAIRI R.A. had become paralysed. His doctors and physicians gave up all hope of his recovery. Eventually in this state of complete helplessness and despair he composed this poem expressing the grandeur and excellence of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Using this as his sole means of asking Allah Ta’aala to cure him from his illness. He isolated himself in a quiet place one Thursday night and with complete devotion, concentration and sincerity began reciting this poem. While reciting it sleep overcame him. He had a vision of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. He told Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam of his illness whereupon Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alyahi Wasallam passed his blessed hand over Imaam Busairi’s body. Through the barakat and blessing of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, Allah Ta’aala granted him complete cure from his paralysis. When he awoke he found a scarf or shawl on his body which he had seen Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhl Wasallam place on his paralyzed limbs. This resulted in the poem being named “Qasidah Burdah” (The Poem of the Scarf).

In the morning when due to some necessity, he went to the bazaar, a pious dervish greeted him with salaam and requested him to recite the Qasidah which he had composed in praise of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. The poet said that I have composed many poems in praise of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, which one do you wish to hear? The dervish replied: ‘The one which begins with, “A-mm Tazak-kurin.” (i.e. Qasidah Burdah).” Upon this request the poet became wonder struck and said, “I take an oath that no one knows about this poem. Tell me the truth, from whom did you hear about it?” The dervish replied, “I take an oath by Allah that I heard it from you last night when in a dream you had recited it to Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, whereupon Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam became attentive towards you and because of its blessings Allah Ta’aala granted you complete cure from your ailment”.

When the poet gave this poem to the dervish his secret became known to all the people and its barakat and blessings too became general for all.

When this poem reached Baha-ud-deen the governor of the country named Taahir, he so highly regarded and respected it that he would stand while listening to it.

It is also narrated that Saaadud-deen Farouqi, who was a viceroy of Baha-ud-deen, had became blind. In a dream he saw a pious person who told him to take the Qasidah Burdah from Baha-ud-deen and place it on his eyes. In the morning he told Baha-ud-deen about this dream. The Qasidah Burdah was brought and with full sincerity and conviction Sa’aadud-deen placed it on his eyes. Through its barakat Allah Ta’aala granted him complete cure and restored his eyesight.