The divergence of Shi'ism from Islaam and the most dangerous aspects of the Shi'ite creed may be summarized from the books which they consider most authentic (some of which they personally distribute among Sunnites as part of their invitation to Shi'ism) as follows:
1. The Imaamee Shi'ites do not believe in the narrations of the Prophet's (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) Sunnah as found in the Hadeeth books of al-Bukhaaree, Muslim, and the remaining authentic books of the Sunnites, especially, Hadeeths narrated by the major narrator of Islaam, Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, and Samurah ibn Jundub according to statements made by the Shi'ite leader Aayatullaah Khomeni. As a result, the great Sunnite scholar, Professor 'Abdul-Mun'im Saalih Aal-'Alee undertook a written rebuttal to attacks on Abu Hurayrah in the book, Difaa' an Abee Hurayrah (lit. A Defence of Abu Hurayrah). The book is considered a rare gem in the field of Hadeeth literature because of the unique method of arrangement that he adopted to identify the various chains of narrators by which the Hadeeths reported by Abu Hurayrah were narrated.
The Shi'ite equivalent to al-Bukhaaree, al-Kulainee, dedicated a special chapter in his book to this effect entitled: "Surely People Have No Truth Except What Came From the Imaams and Everything Which Did Not Come from Them is False". According to Khomeini the book, Al-Kaafee, is considered by Shi'ites the way Saheeh al-Bukhaaree is considered among Muslims. This book, Al-Kaafee, due to its extreme statements of Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (polytheism), is sufficient to push anyone who believes in it into the Hell-fire for eternity. Sufficient examples can be found in the following points all of which are supported by quotes from al-Kaafee.
2. Shi'ites consider the twelve Imaams infallible, incapable of making even the slightest error. Hence following them, according to Shi'ite beliefs is obligatory on all true Muslims until the Day of Judgement. In fact, the impudence of the Shi'ites reached such a degree that they actually believe the Imaams to be on a level above that of the highest angels and the Prophets; a level wherein even the particles of the universe are subservient to them. Khomeini asserts in his book, Al-Hukoomah al-Islaameeyah, "Certainly the Imaam has a dignified station, a lofty rank, a creational caliphate, and a sovereignty and mastery over all the atoms of creation. It is definitely a basic belief in our school of thought, that our Imaams occupy a station unattainable by either an angel of the highest rank or a major prophet. And, according to our narrations and Hadeeths, before the creation of the universe, the greatest Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Imaams – may peace be on them – were in the form of light which Allah made orbit His throne and gave rank and proximity known only to Him. As was narrated in the Hadeeth on Mi'raaj, Angel Gabriel said, 'If I were to have come an inch closer, I would have been burnt up' – that is, by the intensity of the Imaam's light. It has also been narrated by them – may peace be on them – that, we have certain states in relation to Allah not allowed to an angel of the highest rank nor a great prophet'. A similar status is accorded to Faatimah az-Zahraa – may peace be on her".
The Shi'ites have also elevated the Imaams to the point of absolute and infinite knowledge. The following headings in Al- Kaafee attest to this incredible belief:
Chapter: "The Imaams Have Knowledge of All that was Given to the Angels and the Prophets".
Chapter: "The Imaams Know When They Will Die and They Only Die by Their Choice".
Chapter: "The Imaams Have Knowledge of the Past and the Future; and Nothing is Hidden from Them".
3. The act of lying to non-Shi'ites, known as Taqeeyah (dissimulation: false pretence) is a religious tenet among Shi'ites. In support of this position of deception, they narrate the following statements from Abu 'Abdillaah, "Nine tenths of religion is dissimulation (Taqeeyah); hence, one who does not dissimulate has no religion". "A believer who does not dissimulate is like a body without a head". "Mix with them externally, but oppose them internally," Concerning the verse, "Verily the most noble among you in Allah's sight is the most God-fearing (atqaakum)", they attribute to Ja'far as-Saadiq the following interpretation of "at-qaakum": that is, your deeds done by dissimulation.
From their eighth Imaam, they narrate the following: "Whoever abandons dissimulation before the appearance of the hidden Mahdee is not of us". Because of their attitude concerning dissimulation, Jalaaluddeen as-Suyootee sent an open letter to the Muslims of Egypt entitled ‘The Key to Paradise is in Reliance on the Sunnah’ when an Iranian missionary came there on the pretext of encouraging a rapprochement between sunnites and Shi'ites. In the letter, he made a detailed exposition of the Shi'ite creed concentrating on its basis of dissimulation, deception and falsehood. (It should be noted that Jamaaluddeen, the Iranian Shi'ite, deceptively named himself al-Afghaanee (the Afghan) in order to make the Muslims of the East think he was a Sunnite. And, it was he who introduced free-masonry to Egypt with the aid of his pupil, Muhammad 'Abduh, who later confirmed Jamaaluddeen's membership in the Masons).
4. Since the Sunnah governs and explains the Quraan, the Shi'ite tafseer (interpretation of the Quraan) follows the same pattern as their deviant doctrines which resulted from their wholesale fabrication of Hadeeths attributed to the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Shi'ites have not only distorted the meanings of the Quraan, but they have also made additions to the actual text itself. The verse, "And We made 'Alee your in-law", has been added to Soorah al-Inshiraah, even though this Soorah is from the Makkan period (609-622) and 'Alee did not become an in-law of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) until after his migration to Madeenah. Instead of the verse, "And make us a leader (Imaam) for the God fearing", they substitute, "And make for us a leader (Imaam) from among the Godfearing".
Perhaps the greatest level of audacity on the part of the Shi'ites is the addition to the Quraan of a ficticious chapter which they call Soorah alWalaayah. Its translation is as follows:
A. "O believers, believe in the Prophet and the guardian (Walee), whom We sent to guide you to the straight path;
B. A Prophet and a Guardian, one from the other and I am the Knower, the Wise;
C. Verily those who fulfill their covenant to Allah will have gardens of pleasure.
D. And for those who deny our signs when they are read to them,
E. Verily they will have a terrible place in Hell when they are called for on the Day of Judgement, 'Where are the wrongdoers who denied the messengers?'
F. He only created them in truth and Allah will surely make them victorious until a time in the near future.
G. Glorify the praises of your Lord and 'Alee is among the witnesses.
5. Shi'ite scholars have branded the vast majority of the companions of the Prophet as disbelievers. (They say) "Obedience to 'Alee is true humility and disobedience to him is disbelief in Allah". "Whoever sets up another Imaam besides 'Alee and delays 'Alee's caliphate is a polytheist". "Syrians are worse than the Romans, Madeenites worse than Makkans, and Makkans openly disbelieve in Allah".
In explanation of the verse, "On the day when the wrongdoer bites his hands saying, "Oh if only I had taken the right path with the Prophet. Oh woe is me, if only I had not taken so and so as a friend". Al-Qummee said that "so and so" refers to Umar. Concerning Talhah and az-Zubayr, al-Qummee claims Abu Ja'far said that the following verse was revealed about them, "Verily the doors of the sky will not open for those who deny our signs and are arrogant towards them, nor will they enter paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle". And he added that the camel in the verse refers to their camel.
One of their leading scholars, al-Kashshee, reported that Abu Ja'far said, "The people (including the Sahaabah) all became apostates after the Prophet's death except for three". When asked who they were, he replied, "AI-Miqdaad On al-Aswad, Abu Dharr and Salmaan as mentioned in the verse, 'if he (Muhammad) dies or is killed will you turn on your heels".
When Professor al-Basheer al-Ibraaheemee, the top Algerian scholar, visited Iraq, he came across a three volume book called az-Zahraa, published by the scholars of Najaf. It states that Ameer al-Mumineen, 'Umar, was afflicted with a disease which could only be cured by drinking human semen. Another book in Persian called Kasf al-Asraar (Revelation of the Secrets) was published there by the leader of the rapprochement movement, Aayatullaah al-Khomeini. On page 112, Abu Bakr is described as having gone astray while on page 114 'Umar is called a heretic.
There are many other statements in their books slandering Abu Bakr, 'Aaeshah, the rest of the Prophet's wives as well as the Sahaabah in general; however, for the sake of brevity what we have narrated will suffice.
All who do not follow their creed are considered disbelievers. "Doubt about the Imaamate of Wee is like doubt about the mission of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). And one who doubts both should be killed if possible, if he claims to be Muslim. On the other hand, disbelievers are like the Jews and Christians and should not be killed for these reasons".
Dr. Ahmed Al-Afghanee