The Application of Tajwid Rules Beyond the Quran

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Should the laws of Tajweed apply to every Arabic texts? Does it apply in reading Ahadith or reading duas or does it only apply in reciting Quran? I heard that Ulama have differences of opinion on this matter. Some say it has to be read in Tajweed and some say it should not be read in Tajweed. Others say you have a choice.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-Salāmu ʿAlaykum Wa-Ramatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh

The rules of tajwīd serve as the fundamental basis for properly articulating the Arabic language. These rules are not exclusive to the Quran; rather, adhering to them in non-Quranic texts is commendable. Therefore, the fundamentals of tajwīd should be observed in ḥadīth, adhan, adhkār, adʿiyyah, and similar recitations.

The fundamentals of tajwīd include makhārij (articulation points) and certain ṣifāt lāzimah (e.g., fullness of the mouth) including wuqūf. It is essential to observe these to ensure that the meaning of the spoken words is not distorted. As for ṣifāt ʿāriḍah such as madd or ghunna, adherence to them is not obligatory. However, there is no prohibition against observing them either.[i]

And Allah Taʿāla Knows Best.

Rukunuddin Bin Jahangir

Student  –Darul Iftaa

Milwaukee, WI, USA

Checked and Approved by

Mufti Muhammad Zakariyya Desai


The Application of Tajwid Rules Beyond the Quran