The Despised Practice of ‘Ulama Forming Groups

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Hakeemul Ummat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi alaih) says: “Ulama have understood mere book knowledge to be sufficient. They acquire knowledge without considering action to be necessary. Whereas, the objective of `ilm is `amal. Their condition is such that neither is their inner character correct nor do they have the concern to correct it. Regarding this, there are two traits that are very distasteful to me, and let alone me, in the sight of Allah Ta`ala they are highly detestable. One is greed i.e. the love of wealth and the second is the love for position. These two have destroyed the `Ulama the most. The condition of the teachers is they bow down before salaries. This is absolutely ridiculous, and it is for this reason that there is no principal of any madrasah who can place his trust on any teacher as to whether the teacher will remain or not. If there is a call at some other place offering five rupees more, then the teacher will immediately leave the madrasah and move over to that place, even though the service of deen over there is not much whilst the service of deen at the first place was much more. This is selling deen openly, and from this it becomes evident that their sole objective was the salary, and not serving the deen. Of course, if the salary of the first place does not meet our expenses and we are experiencing difficulty in meeting our basic necessities, then going to the second place will not be a problem, provided we are really in difficulty when it comes to our basic necessities, because there is no regard for that difficulty which comes about due to extravagance, for extravagance is in no way a necessity. Nevertheless, this is indeed an inappropriate action, that being an `aalim of deen one moves around craving and hankering after wealth. The second illness is the love for position, due to which the `Ulama have formed groups amongst themselves. Everyone is concerned in forming his own separate group. (Tuhfatul Madaaris, vol. 1, p.403)

(Courtesy of Al Haadi )