The Statement of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (radiallahu anh)

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The Statement of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (radiallahu anh)

The following statement of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (radiallahu anh) is utilised as an objection
against Taqleed:

“No one should follow the religion of another such that if he believes, he believes
and if he disbelieves, he disbelieves.”

The question is who actually condones this sort of Taqleed? The text condemns
Taqleed in beliefs and articles of faith. No scholar supports Taqleed in beliefs and articles
of faith. As far as following the predecessors in legal issues,
Abdullah ibn Mas’ood (radiallahu anh) has said:

“Whoever wishes to follow should follow the footsteps of those who have passed
away. This is because living people are not immune from corruption [and change for the
worse]. They [those who are worthy of following] are the Companions of the Prophet
sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. They were the best of this community…So acknowledge their
merit: follow their footsteps and hold fast – as much as possible – to their guidance and
character, for they were upon guidance.”

[128] Mishkatul Masabeeh: page 32
