True Worth of Worldly Empires

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True Worth of Worldly Empires


Haroon as-Rasheed رحمه الله, the Khaleef of the Muslims, requested the righteous Ibn Simak رحمه الله for some advice. Ibn Simak رحمه الله noticed that Haroon ar-Rasheed رحمه الله had a glass of water in his hand and asked, “Ameerul Mu’mineen, if you were deprived of the bounty of drinking water, would you be prepared to exchange your entire kingdom for it?”

“Yes, I will certainly be happy to do so,” replied the Khaleef رحمه الله.

Ibn Simak رحمه الله then asked, “If you did not have the ability to urinate, and water collected in your body, would you be prepared to exchange your entire kingdom in return for the bounty of urination?”

“Yes, I will be happy to do so,” replied the Khaleef رحمه الله.

Ibn Simak رحمه الله then wisely remarked, “What goodness is there in a kingdom which is not even equal to a glass of water and urine?”

Haroon ar-Rasheed رحمه الله realised the truth of the wise man’s explanation and was reduced to tears. [Jawahir Pare, vol 3, p113; al-Kanzul Madfoon]

Worldly riches and splendour are worthless when compared with the bounty of good health. [Pearls from the Path]