women wearing Ijaar under the kurta?

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Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012




What is the ruling with regards to women wearing Ijaar under the kurta? I have tried to explain to a family member that she must wear pants under her Kurta as her leg shows when she climbs up stairs or exist a car. My mother Ayesha (RA) use to mount camels and her satar was never shown. She claims that wearing Ijaar is not part of our deen. How do I explain to her?








Muhtaram / Muhtaramah


In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāh wa-barakātuh.

Shariah has not specified any particular garment to be worn.  However, the following guidelines should be kept in mind.


  1. Men should keep their lower garment above the ankles.
  2. The clothes should not be so thin, short, or tight that the limbs which are necessary to cover become apparent.
  3.  The dressing of disbelievers and open-transgressors should not be imitated.
  4. Men should not imitate women in dressing and likewise women should not imitate men.
  5. Garments that are beyond one’s financial capability should not be bought.
  6. A wealthy person should not wear such inferior clothing that he appears be a pauper.
  7. One should abstain from pride and showing off.
  8. The clothes should be clean and tidy.  It is preferable for men to wear white.
  9. It is prohibited for men to wear real silk.
  10. It is disliked for men to wear pure red clothing.


It is permissible for a woman not to wear the bottom garment if she has a long garment which covers her entire body.  If by a woman not wearing the bottom garment, there is fear that her legs will show, then it is necessary for her to wear the lower garment.

Aap Kay Masa’il aur Un Ka Hal (7:147&166)

And Allah knows best


Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah

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