Words of Wisdom – Councel In Five’s

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Words of Wisdom – Councel In Five’s


“Wisdom is the lost property of the believer. If he finds it then he is most deserving of it.”

[1] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was reported to have said, “The one
who mocks five will loose five – the one who mocks scholars will lose his
Religion (din); the one who mocks rulers will lose this life (dunya); the one who
mocks his neighbours will loose their compassion; and the one who mocks his
family will lose the joy of living.”

[2] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “There will come a time for my
ummah when they will love five things and forget five things – they will love this
life (dunya) and forget the life to come; they will love property and forget the
grave; they will love wealth and forget the [Day of] Judgement; they will love
their children and forget the truth; and they will love themselves and forget
Allah. They have nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with them.”

[3] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah does not give someone
five things until He has prepared another five things for him – He does not give
him gratitude except that He has prepared for him an increase [in provision and
sustenance], He does not give him supplication (du`a’) except that He has
prepared its award; He does not give him the asking for forgiveness (istighfar)
except that He has prepared for him forgiveness; He does not give him the
asking for repentance except that He has prepared for him acceptance; and He
does not give him charity except that He has prepared for him its reward.”

[4] Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “Darkness is of five types and its
lamps are five – love of the dunya is a darkness and its lamp is Godconsciousness;
sins are a darkness and their lamp is repentance; the grave is a
darkness and its lamp is: ‘There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah’; the Hereafter is a darkness and its lamp a righteous actions;
and the path is a darkness and its lamp is certitude.”

[5] `Umar (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “If it were not claiming to know the unseen, I
would bear witness that these five types of people will surely be from the people
of Paradise – the poor man who has to support a large family; a wife whose
husband is pleased with her; the woman who gives her dowry to her husband,
considering it as an act of charity; the one whose parents are pleased with him;
and the one who repents from sins.”

[6] Uthman (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “The signs of a God-conscious person are five
– the first is that he does not sit except with someone who is concerned for the
Religion and has control over his sexual desires and tongue; if a great fortune
befalls him from the dunya he deems it a trial; if he finds a practice to be from the
Religion he clings to it, though it may seem insignificant; he does not fill his
stomach with the halal fearing that haram may be mixed with it; and he supposes
that all of the people will be saved and that his soul will perish.”

[7] `Ali (radyAllahu`anhu) said, “Were it not for five things all of mankind would
have been righteous – contentment with ignorance, covetousness over this world
(dunya), miserliness over what is surplus, insincerity in actions, and conceit over
one’s opinions.”

[8] `Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (radiallahu anhuma), said, “Five things, he who embodies them will be happy in this world and in the next – the first is to regularly say, ‘La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun rasulu Allah’ – There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; the second is to say when inflicted
with a calamity, ‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`un, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil `alliyyil `atheem’ – Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we shall all return, and there is no power or might except by the will of Allah the most High, the Mighty; the thirs is to say in gratitude when giving a blessing, ‘Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil `alamin’ – Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe; the fourth is to say when beginning anything, ‘Bismillahir rahmanir rahim’ – In the name of Allah the most Merciful the most Kind; and the fifth is to say upon committing a sin, ‘Astaghfiru Ilahil `atheema wa atubu ilayh’ – I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Greatest and I repent to Him.”

[9] Al-Hasan al-Basri said, “In the Torah are written five lessons – wealth is
contentment, safety is in seclusion, dignity is in rejecting desires, enjoyment is in
long days (in the Hereafter), and patience is in a few days (in the dunya).”

[10] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Make us of five before five –
your youth before old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before
your poverty, your life before your death, and your free time before your

[11] Yahya ibn Mu`adh al-Razi said, “He whose appetite increases, his
corpulence will increase; he whose corpulence increases, his desires will increase;
he whose desires increase, his sins will increase; he whose sin increase, the
hardness of his heart will increase; and he whose heart becomes hard will drown
in the pitfalls of the dunya and in attractions.”

[12] Sufyan al-Thawri said, “The poor have chosen have five things and the rich
have chosen five others – the poor have chosen serenity of the soul, freedom
from worries, worship of the Lord, ease of accountability and the highest
position. The rich have chosen weariness of the soul, preoccupation with worries,
worship of the dunya, severity in accountability, and the lowest position.”

[13] `Abdullah al-Antaki said, “Five things are from the remedies of the heart –
sitting with the righteous, reading the Qur`an, emptiness of the stomach,
standing at night [in prayer], and supplicating at dawn,”

[14] The majority of the scholars have agreed that, “Contemplation is of five
types – contemplating Allah’s signs results in affirming the oneness of Allah
(Tawhid) and in conviction; contemplating Allah’s blessings results in loving
Allah; contemplating Allah’s promise [of reward and paradise for the good-doers]
results in creating a desire to do good; contemplating Allah’s punishment results
in fear and awe of Him; and contemplating one’s shortcomings in obedience
despite Allah’s blessings and mercy towards oneself results in a sense of shame
and humility.”

[15] An ascetic said, “There are five obstacles to attaining God-consciousness
(taqwa), and only the one who overcomes these will attain it – choosing hardship
over ease, exertion over rest, lowliness over pride, silence over idle talk, and
death over life.”

[16] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Discreetness safeguards
secrets, charity safeguards wealth, sincerity safeguards good deeds, truthfulness
safeguards speech, and consultation safeguards opinions.”

[17] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “In the gathering of wealth
there are five [blameworthy] things – wearing oneself out in gathering it;
neglecting the remembrance (dhikr) of Allah in preserving it; fear of robbers and
thieves; being labelled a miser on account of it; and leaving the company of the
righteous due to it. In distributing one’s wealth to the poor there are five
[praiseworthy] things – ease of mind due to abandoning its amassing; having
time to remember Allah rather than worrying about preserving it; safety from
robbers and thieves; gaining the title of ‘generous’; and accompanying the
righteous due to leaving it behind.”

[18] Sufyan al-Thawri said, “No one in this age amasses wealth except that he has
five traits – the delusion that his lifespan will be long, overpowering greed,
intense miserliness, lack of piety, and forgetfulness of the Hereafter.”

[19] A poet said:
O you who seeks the hand of the dunya in marriage! Know that she has a
new lover everyday
She takes a husband now, yet gives herself at the same time to an other
She only accepts lovers so that she may kill them in her bosom one by one
I have been fooled and the affliction is spreading in my body little by little
Ready yourself and take provisions for death, for the herald has called: ‘tis
time to leave, ‘tis time to leave!

[20] Hatim al-Asamm said, “Hastiness is from Satan except in five situations in
which it is the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah to hasten – feeding the guest
when he arrives; preparing the deceased for burial when he dies; marrying off
the daughters when they reach the age of maturity; paying a debt when it is due;
and making repentance from a sin as soon as it is committed.”

[21] Muhammad ibn al-Duri said, “The damnation of Iblis was due to five things
– he did not acknowledge his sin, he did not regret it, he did not blame himself,
he did not resolve to repent, and he lost hope in the mercy of Allah. The
salvation of Adam was due to five things – he acknowledged his sin, he regretted
it, he blamed himself, he hastened to repent, and he did not lose hope in the
mercy of Allah.”

[22] Shaqiq al-Balkhi said, “Five precepts are obligatory upon you, so practice
them – worship Allah to the extent that you need Him; take from the dunya to the
extent of your stain in it; disobey Allah to the extent that you can bear His
punishment; prepare provisions during the dunya to the extent of your stay in the
grave; and work for Paradise to the extent of your desired rank in it.”

[23] `Umar (radyAllahu`anhu) said, ‘I have seen all types of friends but I never
found a friend better than safeguarding the tongue, I have seen all types of
clothes but I never found clothes better than God-consciousness, I have seen all
types of wealth but I never found wealth better than contentment; I have seen all
types of good deeds but I never found a good deed better than giving good
advice; and I have seen all types of food and I never found food more delicious
than patience.”

[24] An ascetic said, “Asceticism (zuhd) is in five things – confidence in Allah,
independence from creatures, sincerity in actions, bearing oppression, and
contentment with what one has in his hand.”

[25] During some of his supplications and entreaties, a devotee said, “O my Lord!
Thinking that my lifespan will be long has deluded me, love of the dunya has
destroyed me, Satan has misled me, the nafs that inclines to evil prevented me
from abiding by the truth, my wicked companion helped me in disobedience, so
save me O Helper of those who seek help! If You do not have mercy on me then
who will?”

[26] The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “There will come a time for my
ummah when they will love five things and forget five others – they will love this
world (dunya) and forget the next world; they will love life and forget death; they
will love palaces and forget the grave; they will love wealth and forget the [Day
of] Account; and they will love creatures and forget the Creator.”

[27] Yahya ibn Mu`adh al-Razi said in his entreaties and supplication, “O my
Lord! The night is only pleasant to me when I supplicate to You; the day is only
pleasant to me when I obey You; the Hereafter will only be pleasant to me if I
receive Your pardon; and Paradise will only be pleasant to me if I see You.”

[Preparing for the Day of Judgement – Imam Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani]