HAZRAT MOULANA MAHMOOD MADANI DESAI (RAHIMAHULLAHU TA’ALA) Founder of Madrasah In’aamiyyah, Camperdown (1373-1437 / 1953-2016) AGE: 63 * This is a brief article on the life of Hazrat Moulānā Mahmūd Madanī Desai (RA). Details concerning his life have not been included here. Readers are requested to continue to remember Hazrat Moulānā (RA) in their du’ās and if anyone wishes to share any information on the life of … [Read more...]
Founder of Madrasah In’aamiyyah, Camperdown (1373-1437 / 1953-2016) AGE: 63
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September 23, 2017 by