Can one receive Zakat whilst having a non-accessible trust fund account?

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Question: Somebody’s parents passed away, leaving a trust fund under the their sons name. However, the trust fund will only be accessible to the son when a certain age is reached. Currently, there are no assets, properties, or cash available, and there is no employment income for the son. Would it be permissible for the son to receive Zakat money despite having a trust fund in this situation? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most … [Read more...]

Sadaqatul-fitr, Zakāt, Tarāweeh, Qadhā

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Question: As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatuAllah, I have a few things I am not sure if it’s right or not . One of the local masjids I attend takes the Zakat-al fitr money and buys rice and dates with it and distributes it to the poor, instead of giving the poor the money to do so, they said it is how our beloved nabi (SAW) did so, is this correct? I believe the imam is Salafi. I follow the Hanafi madhab. My mother in law takes Zakat from … [Read more...]

Zakat on Property [Detailed]

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Question: If a person owns 2 homes, does he have to pay Zakat for the second house? Is Zakat on the total value of the house or rent of the house? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh. There are multiple scenarios in the enquired question: Clear intention for personal use If a house(s) is purchased for personal use, then there is no Zakat on the … [Read more...]

Is Zakāh due on the same money every year or only on money saved that year?

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Question: as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatuAllah, When I pay zakat,I pay zakat on my money I have saved in my personal accounts, business accounts, my wife’s gold, my personal and business gold and silver, inventory in businesses, and money I invested in stocks and crypto accounts. a friend of mine told me I am supposed to pay on money i saved that year, i told him no, it’s on my net worth more or less, he said that’s insane that i pay zakat on … [Read more...]

Surplus donation money

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Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Please advise how to go about the following situation. An appeal was made for donations, and specific mention was made that it would go to a certain organization in need. The administrators of the organization were also made aware that funds were being raised for them. Much more funds than anticipated were collected. The bulk was donated as advertised to the organization in question. The last few amounts … [Read more...]

Is Zakat due on charitable/family foundations?

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Salamalaykum wr wbDear ulamaa and MuftisDoes a CHARITABLE FOUNDATION AND A FAMILY FOUNDATION have to pay Zakat?Jasaka allahu khayran for ur time and sharing.ur Brother in Deen Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullāhi Wa-Barakātuh. Respected Brother, In principle, Zakāh is only due on those Zakāt-able assets upon which one has complete ownership. Complete ownership is … [Read more...]